Monday, 8 February 2010

Auction for Third Floor Gallery

We're auctioning this professionally handmade print of mine:

Auction for Third Floor Gallery 1

... to raise funds for the Third Floor Gallery. We obviously need some way to get enough funds to be able to sustain all the costs of having the place open. For a typical month:

-£433 go into the lease.
-£141 go into business tax (although I am afraid this might go up in April).
-£200-250 go into gas and electricity.
-£66 go into the building's service charge
-£60 go into advertising and publicit
-£100 go into buying drinks for an opening

That makes just over £1000. And we don't even have a fridge or microwave yet!

By bidding on the print you can help us to cover our costs. All the money will go into the Third Floor Gallery. Auctions of donated items will become a staple of the gallery, and there will be one item donated with each exhibition. So keep your eyes peeled.