I smashed mine badly yesterday and the flash stopped working and the cover opened. I have to give it to a mate one day to see if he can fix it. In the meantime I'm looking on ebay for an XA2 (more sophisticated... now you are supposed to be able to choose focus) with a larger flash. My idea was to carry two XA's, one in each pocket. One of them has a smaller flash and it's used for most situations when shooting. The other one would have a larger flash and be dedicated for shooting infrared flash and film. Finally all my needed equipment arrived. Back to ebay...
Picture by Maciej Dakowicz.
you can borrow my XA until you get what you're looking for
Are you not interested in the top XA model?
@eamon: I think I'll get an xa2 soon, don't worry
@richard: the flash indicator in the xa pops out of the body, plus it's a camera a bit too expensive to get turned into bits every now and then, better somebody else uses it
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