Thursday 14 February 2008


I spent some time in Milano shooting at the end of August and beginning of September (about five days). I edited down those pictures into a short set that I'd say was done in a very direct and fast fashion. I sort of like having worked on something that is fast, dirty, incomplete and superficial. (I say that, but I still think it has a couple of nice shots.) Oh well, so I was looking at images on flickr, and one of my contacts, Luca, had this picture that made me think about the streets I had been wondering in:

So I pointed him out one of my shots of Milano that reminded me of his (he shoots there):

What I was not expecting was his reply, in which he pointed me towards this image he took a couple of weeks ago. I know the locations so and so, so I had a good giggle when I saw...

... mine is the next one...

So, have you ever been influenced by your peers? Do you have an agenda of pictures 'to steal'? (I do have such an agenda of very precise and explicit images, not just overall style, but I never see them emerge in the places I shoot.)


Paul Russell said...
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Paul Russell said...

Hi Joni

Here's three shots taken from the same spot by different photographers

That's entertainment

J. Karanka said...

Nice, Paul, I didn't know you had a blog... adding to the blogroll asap...